Auto Clicks

You bought 0 dogs.

Dog cost: 100

You bought 0 bats

Bat cost: 1000

You bought 0 frogs

Frog cost: 6500

You bought 0 crocodiles

Crocodiles cost: 20000

You bought 0 snakes

Snakes cost: 35000

You bought 0 lizards

Lizard cost: 72000

You bought 0 sharks

Sharks cost: 200000


Origami Clicker Game

By Arnbloxlee

Click here to go back to the home page

You can buy the dog auto click!

You can buy the bat auto click!

You can buy the frog auto click!

You can buy the crocodile auto click!

You can buy the snake auto click!

You can buy the lizard auto click!

You can buy the shark auto click!

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Auto click points: 0
Click points: 0
Points spent: 0
Time played: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds

How To Play: Click on the origami images to earn points. If you get enough points, you will unlock new origami that give more points. There are also auto clicks that you can buy that show up in the yellow rectangle. You might need to scroll down a bit to see the image. Auto click points and click points are just a statistic and can't be spent.You can reset your game by pressing the Reset Game button.

Type of Origami Number of Points Required to Unlock
Airplane 1 0 points
Boat 3 50 points
Bird 6 500 points
Wolf 10 1,650 points
Dragon 15 3,000 points
Fighter Jet 25 6,000 points
T-Rex 45 10,000 points
Fiery Dragon 75 18,000 points
3D Origami Swan 155 30,000 points
Owl 275 52,000 points
Horse 475 100,000 points
Parrot 625 210,000 points
Tiger 840 345,000 points

Auto Click Table

Type of Origami Number of Points Starting cost
Dog 1 point per second 100 points
Bat 12 points per second 1,000 points
Frog 85 points per second 6,500 points
Crocodile 345 points per second 20,000 points
Snake 690 points per second 35,000 points
Lizard 1,500 points per second 72,000 points
Shark 4,500 points per second 200,000 points